On this day in 1974 the people of Los Angeles and New York received the first screenings of bizarre sci-fi flick Zardoz, and to this day we are still unworthy of its grace.
Hopefully the included image will shed some light on why Zardoz is such a "unique" film, but what you're seeing here is in fact the scantily clad, overly hairy tip of the ice berg. Taking place in the far off age of 2019 (?) society as we know it is no more, and the Earth is ruled by The Immortals, who are rich white folk who live in special domed estates and force the mortal peasant folk, The Brutals, to farm food for them and keep the population reigned in.
If that alone doesn't pique your interest, there is then the added bonus of the delightfully 70s sci-fi vibe, the prim and proper acting of the mostly English cast, and the behaviour of its protagonist Zed, who initially seems to scan every room he enters with the intent of establishing what he can stick his willy into. This somewhat gets the better of him when he fails to hide his bulging intentions in his little red thong, much to the dismay of one woman and amusement of everyone else present.
It's an oddity for sure, even moreso due to the fantasy adventure DNA hidden within it (creator John Boorman initially hatched the idea whilst trying to adapt The Lord of the Rings) and frankly, it is possibly the greatest role ever bestowed upon Sean Connery. Zed is just James Bond with all of the charisma and charm stripped away, leaving a violent, sex-driven man in its wake. Has there ever been a role better for him?