What, you're back again? Okay cool, well I guess we're looking at games today. Let us begin.
| Animal Crossing : New Horizons -- Switch |
Animal Crossing was my big birthday treat for myself this year, replacing my original planned big birthday treat of going to Alton Towers (I ended up having a Runescape birthday party due to lockdown - happy birthday to me) and to date I've tanned in about 200+ hours on it, the majority of which I did within the first month of owning it.
I got sucked into the online turnip market, I made mad bank and paid off my home entirely, I terraformed my island home of Kush Kove into a cool guy paradise, and I changed my town anthem to Squarehammer - but after all of these accomplishments the magic just wasn't there anymore.
I've put nowhere near the attention into it I did in the early days, even with the prospect of new events and features coming out on the monthly. A lesson for all - it is not the fame and fortune that makes your life complete, it is the trials and tribulations that get you there that do.
Should you play it? Play it but try to avoid the temptation of the lucrative online turnip market. Don't sell your soul for a couple million bells.
| The Binding of Isaac -- iOS, PC, PSVita, PS3, PS4, Switch, WiiU, XBONE, 3DS |
I've played Isaac on and off on the PS4 for a while; I've completed it a few times and unlocked most of the characters to show for my troubles. An eventual Switch port of the game then was very tantalising - the joy of playing Isaac, but on the go. Be sat on the sofa one minute, then on the toilet having a shit the next. This was the life I wanted to live.
The game translates phenomenally to handheld, and best of all it features a bunch of new shit I never encountered on my PS4 copy which was nice. As I'm not huge on re-buying ports of games I still own on another console I need that little extra something to justify it, and unless I've just not encountered all of these updated features on PS4 (it's possible) this port certainly delivers. Oh and I got the physical copy so it came with some free stickers, too.
Love a good sticker, me.
So all in all a worthwhile purchase of a game I already knew was fun and addictive, and just another thing to distract me from wiping my ass and getting off the John when I'm all finished.
Should I play it? If you haven't already then shame on you. Seriously, shame.
| Distrust -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
I was expecting it to be a little bit more like The Thing, but it was a little bit more like a mediocre indie game.
Should I play it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ
| DOOM64 -- PC, PS4, N64, Switch, XBONE |
Doom Eternal was the Doom game on everyone's lips this year it seemed, I mean it did come out this year so it makes sense why. But you know what Doom game people should have been talking about? DOOM64.
I never played DOOM64 because I'd always figured it was just DOOM but for the N64, but DOOM64 is actually its own game and I've been an idiot all these years. I think it might actually be my favourite Doom game, it was fuckin' swish.
I played on Ultra-Violence but around the time I got it I also got Joycon drift so that added a new layer of fresh Hell to my gameplay experience, which consisted of many deaths and accompanying tantrums. Didn't dampen my enjoyment though, cracker of a game, even when my hardware was against me.
Should I play it? Yea.
| Call of Duty : Warzone -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
After deleting a bunch of games and waiting two days for Warzone and its humongous update patch to download I finally got on it. I spent ten minutes on a huge map being shot at by a thirteen year old about a hundred miles across the map with a sniper far superior to any long-range weapons I had access to and called it a day. All this to play a free game with my friends without PS4s or Switches. When I went to load it up again a few days later there was a new 80GB update which required more games be deleted. After some consideration, the game I chose to delete was COD Warzone.
Should I play it? Haven't you got better things to do?
| Call of Duty : WWII -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
One of the games I didn't uninstall in favour of COD Warzone was COD WWII, which I got via PSN Plus because giving me COD titles for free is the only way you will ever get me to play them.
I feel a bit bad having this sentiment though, because I actually really enjoyed the WWII outing, the story was as "hoo-raah" as previous instalments of the conflict craving franchise, but is able to restrain itself from going full hyper masculine like the games set in modern settings. It's not a campaign to write home about, and it flew by pretty quickly, but hey, I enjoyed it.
The online was where it was at though - without having to worry about drones or dudes on jetpacks jumping off walls to hit me with energy hammers or whatever the fuck COD is doing these days I was able to have a lot of fun and, dare I say, do well. Highlights for me would definitely boil down to prop hunt, zombies, and the basic team deathmatch, with my playtime only extended further by my quest to beat as many challenges as possible to snag free loot crates, allowing me to have UFOs hanging off my guns or unlocking war paint that made me look like Papa Emeritus.
Still glad I didn't buy it though.
Should I play it? Boot it up and get yourself on prop hunt on the sandbox map.
| Earth Defence Force 5 -- PC, PS4 |
If you're not familiar with the EDF franchise, imagine if someone gave an 11 year old a line of sherbet then got them to explain the plot of Starship Troopers to you. You blow up hordes of ants, fight expansive fleets of UFOs, and co-ordinate singalongs amongst your troops to raise moral. Initiating singalongs don't actually boost moral, but I like to pretend they do due to the sheer amount of time I get them going.
EDF 5 doesn't detract much from this tried and tested formula, and simply do what they always do - the same damn thing as previous games but with slightly improved graphics and a new enemy type. This time round the new enemies are giant frog alien monsters who regenerate body parts at an alarming rate, it's pretty cool.
Should I play it? Totally, just wait until its like half price on the Big in Japan sales.
| The Elder Scrolls : Blades -- Android, iOS, Switch |
A "free" to "play" Elder Scrolls "game" from Bethesda that constantly reminds you that you could be having so much more fun [citation needed] if you give them money. It's shite.
Should I play it? Fuck off
| Fall Guys -- PC, PS4 |
Awesome. Possibly one of the best free games to come out of PSN Plus. Having said that though, this is purely fun for killing a couple of hours a day, like its completely beyond me how some people got into the 40s on their levels in the first season.
It can get pretty frustrating getting the same damn levels again and again, especially if it's one you hate (fuck that seesaw level) but at the end of the day, it's just daft wee fun. I am currently playing as a toucan with wolf legs. I have not won a game yet.
Should I play it? You haven't already?
| Fight Crab -- PC, PS4, Switch |
Fight Crab opens with a simple premise that really resonated with me - you are a crab on a one-crab mission to travel the globe and put other crabs on their backs. On your journey you will unlock not just new maps and opponents, but also weapons, allies, mounts, super Saiyan powers, and beyond.
This is quite possibly one of the most important games released this year, and was an absolute ray of hope in my otherwise dark and uncertain 2020. Does it have online mode? You bet your ass it does.
Should I play it? I think the real question is, can you afford not to play it, and what will your family think of you if you don't?
| Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind -- PS4, XBONE |
"HA!" I bellowed as I smashed Xehanort's face into the ashen white slates that decorate the floor of Scala ad Caelum's central hub. "Is this the best you can do, Kingdom Hearts? You have lost your edge, old friend!" It seemed that finally, after years of perseverance and oceans of tears, I was just really good at Kingdom Hearts now, finishing the third instalment without requiring a continue once.
And then Re:Mind was released.
Re:Mind is, in terms of what you get for your money, a bit of a scam. You retread a lot of ground from the main game's climax for the sake of some pretty pointless plot expansion, and before you know it its all over again, and you're out of pocket by £25.
But then there's the Limitcut episodes - possibly one of the toughest combat offerings the series has ever had. Seriously, this is where you get your money's worth, as you'll spend hours trying to "gitgud" in order to beat incredibly OP versions of the games' main antagonists. I am ashamed to say, I have still not finished it. I love it.
Should I play it? I cannot honestly recommend this without feeling I am wronging you, but if you are as full of self-hate and loathing as I am, then perhaps I can.
| Kingdom Hearts : Union X / Dark Road -- Android, iOS |
I played the Kingdom Hearts mobile game Union X last year for about a month straight, hit a wall that required me to either grind like mad or fork out IRL funds for some better equipment, and stopped playing. This year I played Union X for two months, got a bit burnt out from the grind, dicked about with some of the new features, and stopped playing.
But then they released Dark Roads alongside Union X, which is, as you would expect for a mobile game, cannon to the overall batshit and convoluted mess that is the Kingdom Hearts lore - specifically, it is an origin story of the series big bad Xehanort. The gameplay differentiates itself just enough from Union X to shake things up, and is a lot more linear than the more drop in/drop out style of play of Union X, but let's be real here - if you don't enjoy Kingdom Hearts, you're probably not going to have a ball with these games.
More fool you though, they're a nice wee timewaster.
Should I play it? It'll be the best god damn two months of your life.
| Medievil - PS4 |
Fucking hell - Medievil is really hard, man. Was it always like this? What's the deal with that pirate ship level? Total bullshit. Luckily for me though I don't play games to have fun, I play them to feel useless and inadequate as well as flustered and enraged, so this clicked perfectly with me.
I even went to the trouble of getting the platinum on it, which wasn't nearly as hard as I'd initially thought it'd be, and as a nifty bonus upon completing the game 100% you unlock the original game to play. Nice touch.
Should I play it? Absolutely!
| Ni No Kuni : Wrath of the White Witch -- PC, PS4, Switch |
This is the kinda remaster/re-release/port/whatever that I can get behind. My PS3 checked out on me before I ever got to complete Ni No Kuni so I was very pleased I had another pop at finishing it. I'm not sure if I'm still a little burnt by what a let-down Revenant Kingdom was, but this time round I did feel Ni No Kuni was a lot more grindy than I remembered, with combat that can sometimes become incredibly frustrating due to the sheer stupidity of your AI allies.
More often than not I found myself carrying a battle that took me three times the time it should have as I'd get a couple magic attacks in, deplete my MP, then have to spend five minutes avoiding damage and scouring the battleground for morsels of MP to rinse repeat my tactic, all the while having to step over the corpses of my fallen comrades.
It's still a gorgeous game with a, let's be honest, pretty bog-standard story, but it has its moments, and I was pleased to see it through to the end this time. Gutted it ended up on a sale in October for £7 though. I paid full.
Should I play it? This game is a love letter to JRPGs in a far better manner than the criminally basic Octopath Traveller, so if you're into that kinda thing, then yes. Oh and if you're a fan of Studio Ghibli. And grinding.
| Nippon Marathon -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
I think I picked it up for about £2 during one of the Big in Japan sales. It's pretty fun, though admittedly a few months after I bought it Fall Guys came out and Fall Guys is Nippon Marathon but better. However at the time of writing Fall Guys does not have couch co-op, so it does have that edge, and you can play as a man with a dog's head.
Should I play it? I mean it's not a bad party game in any respect, there's just a better one out now.
| Paradise Killer -- PC, Switch |
Paradise Killer is a game that looks like you've jumped inside a vaporwave wallpaper with bizarre characters and a killer soundtrack to accompany you as you venture around the map trying to gather evidence to catch a killer.
I had a blast with this, and admittedly just spent the majority of my time exploring the island and taking the gorgeous scenery in, forgetting sometimes I was supposed to be catching a killer, making me about on par in efficiency to real life law enforcers.
I can honestly say this is one of the most unique games I've played in terms of its aesthetic, and in terms of gameplay the only similarity I can draw is to Danganronpa, and I'd gladly recommend it to anyone.
Should I play it? If you have any taste you will.
| Patapon 2 Remastered -- PS4 |
Remember when they said how successful Patapon 1's remaster was that it meant we'd get a Patapon 2 Remaster by Christmas 2019? No? Well maybe you're not quite as frequent on /r/Patapon as me then. But anyways yeah, after a year of silence and all hope very much dashed, it just suddenly dropped.
So its back, its in HD, its got a few sync issues between button input and the sound, but overall its still as baller as it was when it hit PSPs over a decade ago - man, it really doesn't feel good to say PSPs are over a decade old now. I need to have a quick sit.
I really enjoyed revisiting this title, I forgot how much fun the further expanded army micromanaging was in this game, and as usual I got absolutely swept up by the addictive gameplay, stunning visuals, and catchy music.
I'm not holding out much hope for the third game getting ported, though. I also have not finished it because the final boss is very, very hard.
Should I play it? Seriously, none of you guys go on /r/Patapon? Not even to dip your toes? Nah, you guys are fucking with me, give over now.
| Pikuniku -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
When the call for lockdown first came to pass my immediate thought was - I need to buy some videogames. That is when I spotted Devolver's Pikuniku on the Switch store marked down from £12 to 89p, perhaps as a goodwill gesture for all their fans now instructed to remain indoors until further notice. Y'all know I snatched that shit up.
Pikuniku holds the same flavour of humour as prior Devolver games with the addition of some high concentrates of cuteness injected into its veins. The majority of the gameplay is platforming, which kinda makes it feel like a Cebeebies version of Thomas Was Alone at points, but just as the story and the protagonist are constantly bouncing around, so are the mechanics, incorporating rhythm sections, puzzle sections, and basketball games, just to keep things fresh.
If you like daft wee games where you have big silly legs, then this is the game for you.
Should I play it? Look at them silly legs
| Pokémon Sword & Shield -- Switch |
I've not played a mainline Pokémon game since Ruby, which I did via the cardinal sin of ROM emulation. Please excuse me while I go and give myself sixty-nine lashes and pour Monster Energy into the lacerations.
Anyways yeah, Pokémon Sword and Shield, though specifically Pokémon Sword, as that's the one that I got, not that it really fuckin' matters I suppose - it was pretty good, I enjoyed it. It was very different from anything I'd experienced in the past, which led to some good and bad experiences, though mostly good, or more like mostly alright.
Dungeons are gone which is kinda weak, but I liked the big ol' open area where I could just go and square up to any Pokémon I pleased, and I kinda liked the little challenges before each gym fight - are those new or were they in some of the DS entries? I don't care to be fair.
Man, this write up has gone horribly askew. I guess what I'm trying to say is I haven't played a Pokémon game in a long time, so it was nice coming back and seeing what had changed. Also as a limey it was quite nice to see a British setting, furthered by the fact the villains of the game are quite clearly Tory. As it should be.
Should I play it? Well I mean if you like catching Pokémons, then I suppose so aye.
| Predator Hunting Grounds | PC, PS4 |
I played the free weekend trial, it was aiite. The idea was interesting but the execution was all off. Objectives seemed pointless filler rather than genuine ports of call, as one moment you're stopping a guerrilla terrorist group from doing terrorist stuff, but then the importance of this is instantly voided when the Predator shows up - in fact just by killing the Predator you can end the game, as though the still very alive and active terrorists are left to their devices as you call in a chopper to pick up your newly acquired alien corpse.
The AI enemies also do not seemed phased whatsoever by the Predator which is bizarre, as though his existence is prior knowledge to them. They don't even seem to mind if their own men fall victim to the Predator, never so much as joining the players in taking shots at him, which does hinder any chance of the game feeling that immersive.
The HUD was extremely cluttered, there's a lot going on, and it just feels like it needs a bit more polish. At least it was fun for a while and remained balanced. Probably won't buy.
Should I play it? I'm sure it'll wind up as a PSN Plus addition soon enough, just hold your horses.
| Runner 3 -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
For the handsome sum for £1, I too can now run. Blessed be.
Runner 3 is a whole load of fun, I really like the way you can run, but not only run, but jump and crouch and do a sweet spinny kick. All joking aside however, the simplistic and accessible gameplay is fluffed up substantially by the colourful and vibrant worlds, the ever growing level of challenge, and I gotta say, I'm a big fan of your jumps and movements timing up perfectly with the music.
I also like that with my current cosmetics my runner looks like a meat finger wearing a trucker cap.
Should I play it? If you're looking for a charming wee title to jump in and out of, then it's right up your street.
| Shining Force II -- Android, iOS, PC, PSP, PSPVita, PS3, PS4, MegaDrive, Switch, Wii, Wii U, XBONE, 360 - so you have no excuses for not playing it. |
Every year. Every year without fail I must revisit one of the greatest videogames of all time, and given how much free time I had in 2020, I actually got to play Shining Force II twice. It's that good guys, once a year playthrough guaranteed. None of the other series entries even come close to it.
This is the perfect game, and I am dumbfounded that nothing like it has been made since. Perhaps nobody can. Perhaps they are afraid to. Either way, if you haven't played Shining Force II, please play Shining Force II.
Should I play it? Are you even listening to me?
| Spelunky 2 - PC, PS4 |
I really don't know why I bothered buying this fucking game. I wasn't very good at the first one, although I was evidently better at it than this new one, as I am yet to make it past level 1-4 on Spelunky 2, whereas by some miracle I was actually able to claw my way to the final level of Spelunky 1.
Like look at this screenshot man, look at it, doesn't that look like fun? Well yeah I bet it is, but have I got anywhere near anything like that yet? Have I fuck, I'm still in earth and stone caves. Pure bullshit. So hard it was in fact, that the devs had to patch the game to lessen some of the difficulty, which I did appreciate because it did then mean I wasn't the only one struggling.
I do however like that I can have turkey mounts now, and I also like that I can now smash pots with ghosts on them to completely ruin my fucking run in one swift move, usually accidental no less. Am I bitter? Possibly. But do I enjoy playing it? Hell yeah.
Should I play it? Sure, just don't expect to feel too much satisfaction from it though. It's amazing.
| Star Wars Battlefront II -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
What a fucking mess. Enemy corpses ragdoll and slowly ascend to the heavens upon death, I fell through floors and was embraced by the void, I had cut-scenes that didn't trigger leading to instant death, and online matches that felt broken and completely unbalanced - and these are issues present THREE YEARS after its release.
I actually really liked the plot of the campaign though, and Ewok Hunt was far more enjoyable than it had any right to be, but the rest of this shit is a dumpster fire. I feel embarrassed for anyone who paid money for this prior to it popping up on PSN Plus.
Should I play it? If you added it to your library while it was free then sure, just boot up Ewok Hunt and have a blast - but don't you dare line the pockets of these conmen with your hard earnt cash.
| Streets of Rage 4 -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
In case you hadn't noticed from the multiple references so far in this write up, I'm a sucker for a gorgeous game, and for that reason Streets of Rage 4 was another highlight for me this year.
Stunning animation, a slammin' soundtrack, and some great humour and charm to boot (police officers are all named Dick? I see you, Dotemu), this game manages to perfectly capture the soul and essence of the original trilogy whilst polishing it up in just the right ways for it to stand on its own a quarter of a century after its predecessors.
And couch co-op too? I mean I feel its a real tragedy that the inclusion of couch co-op in a game these days is something that warrants praise, but that's just the world we live in now I guess, and so to boot up Streets of Rage 4 and see I can play with my friends in my house, well that's just fantastic.
Shame all of my friends aren't allowed to come over in case we kill ourselves with COVID.
Should I play it? You really should, sport.
| Super Monkey Ball : Banana Blitz HD -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
I bought Banana Blitz because I was really excited to play a new Super Monkey Ball game, and then when I was playing it I remembered that I don't actually like the Super Monkey Ball games that much.
Should I play it? Why did I buy it?
| Two Point Hospital -- PC, PS4, Switch, XBONE |
I had a lot of anticipation for Two Point Hospital because like everyone else rearing to play it I was pleased I now had access to a spiritual successor to Theme Hospital.
Upon playing though I was pretty disappointed with it - it was fun to begin with and the Theme Hospital heart and soul was there, but I was a bit miffed that my copy of it (on the Nintendo Switch) didn't have access to sandbox mode until June, whereas from what I've gathered PC users had access from March, a bit of a kicker given sandbox mode was my main reason for buying it.
I also wasn't that wow'd by the fact I seemed to spend the majority of my time micromanaging when my staff went on breaks, as they seemed incapable of managing this themselves properly, turning my idealistic playthrough into some nightmarish simulation where I took control of an underpaid and overworked NHS ward manager.
Seven months after buying the game I discovered you could deal with breaks more effectively by making some changes in the games' settings, a feature the game neglected to inform me of. Awesome.
Should I play it? Take it or leave it, minus the bullshit I initially had to deal with it is enjoyable.
| Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
| Visage -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
Visage is a spiritual successor to PT. Visage can also go and fuck itself.
Scary tall women standing in hallways, men who have been stabbed walking slowly towards you, and babies that hang out inside wombs that can only be accessed through mirrors - and that's just one chapter.
A terrifyingly spooky game with atmosphere and tension you can cut with a knife, and scares that will have you taking ten minute breathers between every room.
Should I play it? If you D A R E.
| Warhammer 40K Inquisitor - Martyr -- PC, PS4, XBONE |
A tactical Diablo set in the Warhammer 40K universe? Sweet, I said, here's seven of your finest British pounds, now hook me up! Oh if only I knew what I know now - in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40K Inquisitor, there is only mediocrity.
Everything started promising with some really cool Event Horizon vibes, but then I started to get bombarded with "tips" which I eventually begun to ignore as it turned out most of what the tips were trying to teach me about, that being the features implemented to distance Inquisitor from being just a straight up Diablo clone, were either broken as fuck or completely unnecessary. As I plodded on through the game I grew pretty tired of the same boring maps and mission objective being churned out, and this all being before I'd hit the three hour mark.
By the time I hit level 15 I had a grenade launcher that made me OP as fuck to the point I didn't see the point in upgrading my gear except for the occasional new armour set I'd pick up, 80% of the shit I found on the battlefield though ended up being sold at the store which in itself was also fucking useless as everything in the shop was still under-levelled to stuff I could find out in the field.
I didn't even bother with the side missions or events, in fact the amount of text being thrown at my screen on a regular basis was enough to put me off doing anything but the campaign stuff, which I only bothered with because I was unemployed and had literally fuck all else to do with my day after I got bored of playing Fall Guys beforehand.
But I did like it when people spoke to me through the gamepad. I liked that.
Should I play it? I'm sure you can find better things to do with your time.
| Wattam -- PC, PS4 |
I haven't played Death Stranding, but from what I can gather of it it is just Wattam for people who like their games to have a bit more mature nuance to them but will turn a blind eye to popular energy drink product placement.
It's the same shit dude - communities broken apart, and it is your job to bring them back together. Only in Wattam your community is made up of poops that a toilet can eat and flush out as golden poops. You can actually make your toilet eat so many poops that it crashes the game, and some of the characters speak in Russian. No I do not know what the point of all of this is.
Should I play it? I mean its different.
| White Day : A Labyrinth Named School | Android, iOS, PC, PS4 |
Just how scary can a console port of a mobile game remake of a nearly 20 year old PC game be? Well I can't comment for everyone, but in my personal opinion it can make for a pretty harrowing and traumatic experience.
Now I ain't much of a screamer, folks* - PT and Alien Isolation got gasps out of me, Resident Evil and Freddy's got "OOHYA"s out of me, but White Day got genuine screams out of me. Multiple. I am not ashamed to further admit these occurred whilst playing the game in the middle of the day with sunlight beaming through the windows either.
Not bad for a fiver.
Should I play it? Yes, but be aware - spookers and spectres abound.
(*I should point out when I wrote this bit I hadn't yet played Visage, which has now cemented me as a purebred screamer.)
| WWE 2K16 -- PC, PS3, PS4, XBONE, 360 |
I've not really been playing a lot of WWE 2K16 per say, more so I've been booting it up to diddle about with the creative features and then letting the CPU matches play out for the footage used in our RWR series.
The servers are down for it nowadays which disallows you being able to import your own custom created designs into the game which is pretty bogus, but the roster on offer and creative tools at your disposal are probably some of the best I've seen since the better of the PS3 outings from a decade or so ago.
Plus WWE 2K16 has the Stone Cold Steve Austin career mode on it which is baller, and I recently found out I could change the game's menu music to wrestler intros so I don't have to listen to fucking Yelawolf and Twenty One Pilots every time I boot it up now.
Should I play it? I mean it still looks the superior choice to the later releases - you've seen the state of 2K20, right?
| The Yakuza Remastered Collection -- PS4 |
This is it. The final piece of the puzzle. The final bridging to ensure the entire mainline series can be owned and played on one single console. To say this series was off almost everybody's radars prior to the success of Zero in '17, its so fucking cool to see the fruits of this franchise's ever growing popularity in the West finally coming to be.
Three full length games with hours of incredible and engaging gameplay, a phenomenal story introducing memorable characters and new settings, as well as an abundance of new gameplay styles and minigames, all for the sum of £25.
We do not deserve Yakuza, and yet Yakuza is here. Absolutely awe inspiring.
Should I play it? Yas, yaaaaaas
So you know how these things go, those are my games I played in 2020, so now I gotta decide which was my favourite - not for your benefit of course, but for my own. Because you never know when its gonna come up in conversation, do you? So without further adieu, I can tell you now that my game of 2020 was...
Winner - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
This year's choice has been incredibly difficult to make, because honestly, I have played so many fantastic titles this year, each I enjoyed for a different reason. When push comes to shove though I gotta go with Birdman's rejuvenated franchise, simply due to how incredible it felt just to boot it up for the first time. After what a colossal disappointment THPS 5 and THPS HD were this game exceeded my expectations and then some, ensuring I had plenty of reason to continue playing the game past beating the goals, as though I even really needed reason.
Runner up - White Day : A Labyrinth Named School
Again, an incredibly difficult decision to make. Had it not been White Day (which it shouldn't have been really, given it released in 2017...) it would have been a brutal punch-out between DOOM64, Yakuza Collection, and Animal Crossing, but I think what eventually pushed White Day to the forefront was simply the amount of time I dedicated to it. I replayed it constantly, sometimes one playthrough after another, just to get the additional endings and to find all of the ghosts, each time braving a harder difficulty each time. It was terrifying, it was intense, and it was a hell of a lot of fun.
So that has been my games of 2020. Join me tomorrow when I do this all once again, only next time it'll be with music of 2020. Catch ya later x