Directed by Stanley Kubrick. Written by Stanley Kubrick and Terry Southern.
Whats it all about?
When the unhinged and completely insane Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) orders 34 nuclear-armed B-52's of the 843rd Bomb Wing to attack thier Russian Targets due to him believing the Soviets have been using fluoridation of the American water supplies to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of Americans, Panic sets in and the fate of the world is now left in the hands of the American President and his advisors. Can they save the earth from Nuclear Annihalation? Or will the earth be wiped out entirely, caused by its own people and those who swore to protect it? Here we get to see what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button. Now Lets head on over to the War Room and see.
A Comedy about the possiblitiy of a Nuclear Hollocaust? Now thats interesting. But back when the film was shot and released the Cold War was in full swing and the threat of the Russians was all too real. So why make a Comedy about it? That my friends is simple. Originally intended to be a serious and realistic film adapted from Peter George's thriller novel Red Alert (1958) it would get to the early hours of the of the morning during the writing process, writers block would set in and boom (No Pun Intended) Stanley Kubrick and his Producing Partner James B. Harris would start getting silly and imagine the characters in the most ridicoulous situations and scenarios. Eventually Harris would go on to leave the project to persue a career in Directing, however Kubrick kept all of the material compiled by the two of them and would soon decide to make the film more of a Political Satire Black Comedy, keeping all of the far out silly stuff and ditching the deadly serious tone originally envisioned for the film. Brought in to replace James B. Harris on the writers team was American Novelist Terry Southern, who understood exactly what it was that Kubrick was intending to do. Together the two would pen the final Screenplay we know and love today.
Stanley Kubrick read over 50 Books on the subject of Nuclear War before Production on the film had even started.
Original concept artwork for the now legendary War Room set created by Ken Adam, famously known for his work on the James Bond films.
So what makes this film great?
Well first of all its kind of fun and intriguing to see such people as Military Personell and the President of the USA in a battle of words with the Russians, doing all they can to salvage the world from the brink of destruction, a seemingly impossible task with only one real outcome. It really all is just a big farce, tension ever mounting throughout the picture, Characters going completely out of control determined to fulfil their sworn duties, all the while at the same time battling against their own people and even very own President. Who would have thought the United States (played brilliantly by Peter Sellers) would have allowed such an idiot to be in charge of the running of the whole Country? Oh wait..Lucky for us this is all just a wonderful bit of fiction and film making. Or is it? Could this all really be taking place behind closed doors and we just dont know it? Any second the orders given to strike? Scary stuff indeed. All of which are brilliantly captured within this film, every Character getting played and pitted against one another, each trying to succeed and get the upperhand, whilst also doing what they belive to be right. The term Lions led by Donkeys really springs to mind here, even then each of the Characters within the film appear all to be totally mad. Then again in that siuation wouldnt we all go a little barmy?
The fate of the entire world is decided here. Despite the film shot entirely in Black and White Director Stanley Kubrick insisted the top of the table be covered in Green. This would symbolise a Poker table, an idea he thought to be funny, the survival of mankind decided and played out like a Poker game.
So what is better than Peter Sellers in a film? I would say Peter Sellers in one film playing three roles.
Having worked with Peter Sellers on his previous film Lolita (1962) Stanley Kubrick would once again call upon the British Actor, and boy are we glad he did.
So we all know about the many talents of the late great Peter Sellers, so frankly arent we blessed to see him feature as not only the title role of Dr Strangelove, but also as Captain Lionel Mandrake and President Merkin Muffley. Three central roles might seem like an impossibilty to do in one film, but believe it or not, Sellers was due to portray a fourth role also, playing the part of Air Force Major T. J. "King" Kong, Sellers was very reluctant to play this part as he felt the workload would be far too much and that he would not be able to perfect the Texas accent the Character required. With a little help though from screenwriter Terry Southern, who had made a tape for Sellers teaching him the ins and outs of the Texas accent, Sellers nailed the accent and filming began with Peter Sellers as Major T. J. "King" Kong, but he managed to sprain his ankle and could not work in the cramped cockpit set. That role would eventually go to Actor Slim Pickens, who would in turn show us that riding on top of a Nuclear Warhead to a most certain death is nothing but a thrill!
It is known that Stanley Kubrick would allow Peter Sellers to improvise his dialogue on the set and this would often result in the full cast breaking into hysterics. If you watch closely enough you can actually spot members of the cast doing thier best not to laugh on camera and do thier best to conceal thier amusement.
For a film released back in 1964 it sure does stand the test of time. Even now whilst watching it you cant help but feel that it is all too real, and just like that, at the press of a button, we could quite easily be wiped out. The people we trust (or want to) in positions as such could right now as we speak be dealing with preventing armageddon. Any second we could be thrust into extinction, and that for me is worth thinking about, even more so in this day and age.
So I suppose that brings an end to this entry. Go out and watch this movie and stay tuned for more upcoming rad content and remember you cant fight in here, this is the War Room!